Saturday, December 23, 2006

Daniel 1-3 Review

This has been a challenging week for me, so much going on it's hard to keep everything in order what with Christmas programs at our church to shopping to baking and of course sleeping (I really need that) I'm with you Shannon I like my sleep:_)

OK here we go, on with the "Book (Chapters) Report".

There is so much to learn from the life of Daniel and the three Hebrew Boys. Some of the things I learned (I hope) was how important it is to determine or purpose in my heart what I will do or not do before a situation arises. Daniel did this when he purposed not to defile his body with the king's meat. If I have not determined ahead of time what is right or wrong to do, I will probably regret my decision when faced with a situation. Daniel was humble in his request to the prince of the eunuchs and was willing to take the consequences for his decision. I must be ready and willing also to accept the consequences for my decisions, even when it is an unpopular decision as far as the world's view.

It is so hard to understand how I can praise God and trust Him with my salvation when things are going my way and just as quickly question Him when things become difficult or hard to be understood. Verses I try to keep in my heart and mind in times of trouble are Proverbs 3:5 & 6 "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths" and Isaiah 55:8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD" The king was pleased when Daniel could tell him what he wanted to hear and in the next breath (I don't know how long) could throw the three Hebrew Boys into the fiery furnace in his anger. This goes to show that I am no different, my pride can cause me to show ungodly actions when I least expect it or don't get my way.

It is so encouraging to read how the three Hebrew Boys were so brave to state their position and trust the Lord for whatever the outcome when faced with the fiery furnace. I pray that if a situation like this should occur in my life that I could completely trust my Lord for the outcome, but I trust that I will not be tested that far. When the king saw how God protected these boys he again turned from his pride and anger and praised the Lord.

These are some things that blessed me in this weeks reading. I am looking forward to this next week and what I can learn in Chapters 4-6. Count me in Shannon and I would be pleased to be added to your link:-)

Merry Christmas and blessings in 2007 to all who are reading this blog. Enjoy time with family and friends. Until next time. God bless!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Great thoughts. I love Daniel too, my favorite verse from Daniel is coming up next book review! :)
Have a wonderful Christmas!